Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Shim, Jaemin and Mahmoud Farag. 2024. "Blind Spots in the Study of Democratic Representation: Masses and Elites in Old and New Democracies." International Political Science Review (Online first).
Farag, Mahmoud. 2024. "Domestic Diversionary War and Conflict Endurance in Weak States: The Houthi Conflict in Yemen (2004 - 2010)." Civil Wars (Online first).
Farag, Mahmoud, Hae Ran Jung, Isabella C. Montini, Juliette Bourdeau de Fontenay, and Satveer Ladhar. 2023. “What Do We Know about Power Sharing after 50 Years?” Government and Opposition 58 (4): 899–920.
Farag, Mahmoud. 2023. "From Research-Based Learning to Research Output: Lessons from an Undergraduate
Course in Germany." PS: Political Science & Politics 56 (4): 487–492.
Farag, Mahmoud. 2022. “Opposition Inclusion and Exclusion in the Arab World: Evidence from a New Dataset.” Mediterranean Politics (Online First): 1-13.
Farag, Mahmoud, and Muath Abudalu. 2022. “Electoral Reform in Authoritarian Regimes: Veto Player Uncertainty in Jordan.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 16 (3): 463-481.
Farag, Mahmoud. 2020. “Mass–Elite Differences in New Democracies: Tunisia as a Case Study (2010–2016).” European Political Science 19 (4): 550-561.
Articles in Editor-Reviewed Journals
Farag, Mahmoud. 2019. “Opening Public Contracting to Citizen Participation.” Stanford Social Innovation Review.
Farag, Mahmoud. 2017. “The Rise and Fall of a Teal NGO.” Stanford Social Innovation Review.
Book Chapters
Farag, Mahmoud. 2024. “Mass-Elite Religious-Secular Discrepancy in Tunisia: The Revolution as a Critical Juncture.” In Mass–Elite Representation Gap in Old and New Democracies: Critical Juncture and Elite Agency, edited by Jaemin Shim. Michigan: Michigan University Press.
Policy Publications
Florez, Jorg, Florencia Guerzovich, Linnea Mills, Johannes Tonn and Mahmoud Farag. 2019. Five principles for engaging citizens in anti-corruption mechanisms. Berlin: Transparency International.
Farag, Mahmoud. 2018. Social audit in 20 steps: Lessons learned from fighting corruption in Guatemala, Peru and Ghana. Berlin: Transparency International.
Farag, Mahmoud. 2018. “15 incentives for greater citizen engagement in the fight against corruption.” Voices for Transparency: Transparency International.
CARE International and GIZ Palestine. 2013. The Potential of Social Accountability Interventions in Local Governance in Palestine. Cairo: CARE International.
Farag, Mahmoud, 2022. "The Arab Opposition Power Relations Dataset." Harvard Dataverse.
Farag, Mahmoud, Hae Ran Jung, Isabella C. Montini, Juliette Bourdeau de Fontenay, and Satveer Ladhar. 2022. "The Power Sharing Articles Dataset (PSAD)." Harvard Dataverse.
Research Under Review
Beyond Clientelism: Mapping Political Divisions in Non-Western Democracies (with Jaemin Shim).
Structures or Institutions: The Determinants of Peace in Divided Societies.
Political Exclusion, Opposition Cooperation and Authoritarian Breakdown: Evidence from the Arab
Working Papers
Mapping Opposition Strategies amid Autocratization: A Systematic Review (with Bonald Perkola and Samar Sharaky).
Regime Tactics and Opposition Strategies amid Backsliding: Tunisia and Turkey in Comparative Perspective.
Power Sharing Institutions and Peace: Unpacking the Causal Mechanisms.
Conceptualizing Power Sharing: Bringing Agency Back In.
Mass Mobilization, Legislative Support and Presidential Impeachment (with Isabella C. Montini and
Philipp Schemm).